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The Cruise Trip on the Pride of America

Last year in December, our family went on a cruise trip around the islands of Hawaii. The name of the ship was called the Pride of America.

NCL Pride of America

Today I’m going to write what we did during the trip.

This is me sleeping in the cabin.

Sleeping in a bunk bed.

I loved the bunk bed!

Our room was tiny but very comfortable.

I enjoyed the gentle rocking when we were sailing. It helped me to fall asleep faster...

On Maui, we did snorkeling.

Snoekeling in Maui

Seeing the island from the boat.

The water was SO deep and I and my Mom were scared at first.

But I got used to it and started having fun. I could get to really close to a school of fish. So close that I could almost touch them! Dad said he saw a sea turtle really close too.

On the Big Island, we went to see a volcano …

A volcano on the Big Island.

…And we went to the Rainbow Waterfall on the same day.

The Rainbow Waterfall

The Rainbow Waterfall

This will continue to the next post. Please check back!

Thank you for reading my blog! Come back soon!




















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